
A (short) Song?

You come
And then you go.
The tears
Stain my pillow.

Do you listen?
Where'd you go?

I'm waiting.
My clock is ticking.
I'm dying.
My heart is skipping.

I'm so alone.
How I hate to be alone.

Time escapes
And slowly life goes
On and on
To where no one knows.

I try to stay
In hopes of this love,
But I cannot remain,
You're so high above.

Are you still there?
Hello? Hello?


Turning of Age

18 is a big number.
Not monstrous,
But large enough.
Large enough to make me wonder,
"Where am I going?"
This road I am on,
It's...really long...and kinda scary.
Not that I want it to be short
Or easy,
But...I wish there were more road signs
To tell me where I'm going
To tell me where I am.
The scenery is nice
The flowers, though slowly,
Are blooming on the roadside.
But, where's the next pit stop?
Where's the next bump?
Where's the next godawful detour?
I'm waiting for that moment
The moment
For a slip up
An ice storm
A car crash.
It's coming and I can feel it.



My life story.
The one you've all been dying for.
What an audience.

There has been a hole for the longest time.
A hole that I have pushed to the back of my mind.
I've tried to fill it and I've succeeded a few times,
But somehow, someone always digs a new one.
Maybe I should put a "no trespassing" sign up.
As if that would help...
The thing is, I let people in.
Therefore that sign would do no good.
I learn to depend on a person,
Then they let me fall.
Yet, I still keep reaching.
I look up to the person for my needs
And in response I get a cold shoulder.
That is my greatest weakness:
The ones I become attached to let me drown.
Why I choose these people, I don't not know.
I suppose it's because they use to give me strength.
Now, mind you, this is not all the people I've known.
There have been...oh...about one or two that have kept me.
I have two keeping me now.
"How long?" is the question that concerns them.
But, like always, I trust them
And have put all my confidence in them.
"Don't fail me now!" I scream.
Lets hope they listen.

School is not a problem.
At times I get bogged down
But I always seem to pull my head up before I lose all air.
I love to learn.
I am proud of my education and appreciate it.
I know that I could have ended up not having one at all.
I hope to learn all that I possibly can
But yet still enjoy a social life.
I'm working on that balance.
One thing that I love about myself is my intelligence.
I hate to say that because I feel it's ostentatious
And I...want to be humble....
Even saying that is weird.
I think I would be extra unhappy if I was only mediocre in school.
Who knows.

Music is a big part of my life.
I love to listen to it
And I love to play it.
The only problems I've had with it are the conductors
And not having enough time to practice.
Sometimes I even lack motivation to practice.
But I think that happens to a lot of musicians.
It feels good to play
To be part of a group that sounds...good.
I haven't had that experience much.
But at least I've had the experience
And at least I'm able to play at all,
So...I'm not going to complain there.
Piano is great, too.
I'm not good at it, though.
I still love it.

Ugh...hands hurt...more again later...hopefully.


The day passes by and I,
I can't stop
Stop....stop feeling.
I try and try and
And cry.
Bitterness drips.
I need help.
I am robbed
From moment
To utter moment
Of life.
Because of your hold
The steadfast
Hardy, death-like
And I begin
Begin as I do
To wonder
And lose
And gain
My hopes and