

So today I have started my research on telepathy: the art of thought transference.
Here I will keep my log since no other place (besides my journal) is sacred to me.

The study of what I am learning is called parapsychology.

Apparently there are many tests used by parapsychologists to test the abilities of telepathy, including the Ganzfeld experiment. This experiment is conducted by putting an individual in a controlled environment, devoid of their primary senses. Another individual, outside the room of testing, sends images, thoughts, colors, feelings, etc. to the individual in the room. If that individual is able to receive these feelings, thoughts, etc. then the experiment is considered successful and the isolated individual is aptly known to have the ability of telepathy.

Almost all living individuals, all sentient beings, have the ability of telepathic communication with one another, though most have not awakened their deadened extra-sensory receptors. The ability to communicate with others on this plane is referred to as having a "sixth sense" or a "third eye". This ability can be learned and taught just as linguistics and body language. Most, however, are never exposed to this type of communication because it is not necessary in society today. It is believed by some that early humans, before the development of language or the written word, reached each other in this way.

There are many techniques used to reach a state in which you can communicate with others through telepathy. One such technique is a type of meditation in which you free your mind of everything but the subject which you want to communicate. By focusing on one object or thought, you train your mind to be clear of anything that can scramble the message you are trying to send. This type of training is usually done before two individuals try to communicate with one another. After this first technique is able to be successfully accomplished, partner communication can be built upon. The two people come together in a location and spend about half an hour trying to send and recieve communications. The thoughts are then shared and compared to evaluate success. With practice, the thoughts between the two should become more and more similar.

It has been hypothesized by some that only two individuals who share a connection between spirits can communicate in the aforementioned ways. I, however, hope to be able to communicate with anyone I wish to. I believe some knowledge of the person is required to develop a connection between minds but I also believe that this knowledge can be gained by other methods than physical conversation such as observation or concentration on the previously mentioned individual.

The reason I have recently become interested in the art of telepathy and the study of parapsychology is due to a friend who apparently shared the same thought as me at the same time. Today, June 1st, 2009, I started my mind exercises by focusing on that person calling my cell phone. I first let all other thoughts dissapate and then I pictured him sitting at his computer, picking up the phone, and calling me. After thinking this for a few seconds, my cell phone rang. Though is was not the person I was picturing, I still believe I had some success. The person who called was my boyfriend. I believe this occurred because I spend so much time with him that we are more closely connected than me and the other person. Therefore, I accidently contacted the wrong person.

I will continue these exercises and hope for the best.
-end of June 1st, 2009, post-

These past few days I have experimented with telepathy in the shower (since that is really the only quiet time I get). I have found, however, that nothing has occurred/resulted from these attempts. I believe this might be because I listen to the sound of the water falling around me a little too much. Therefore my messages might be a little "staticy" and unclear. I will have to try some more during camp if I am able. When I get back I plan to go into the forest and trying it again.
-end of June 6th, 2009, post-