
Deadly Death

I am born from the skin of the Earth.
A creature that roams her flesh.
Clinging to my mother, I never want to let go.
But one day, I must.
Until then, however, I greedily feed on her.
From her.
She provides me my needs.
I fertilize her soil with my body.
And when I finally go,
I will become one with her again.
Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust.
In this way, you and I are alike.
We are born of her and become her again.
Resistance is futile.
And you know what?
I like it this way.


Nothing But Life

These are the days I live for. Days where nothing matters. Time is gone. Everything stands still. Except for our bodies moving across the land. In rhythm. In time. Heart beat to heart beat we live for the best. And the best is never over. We matter only to one another while scarfing down two boxes of pizza. We know nothing but each other while hiding in the dark. And we all love. Every single one. In a way that doesn't hurt. In a way that builds. Us. Each other. One another. Because that's all that matters in the end, when the days are over. When the sun is fading, you are the only ones I know. The only ones worth remembering. You make me, me. And for that I thank you. Those who know not what they give and who ask for nothing in return. Thanks for the life you've let me live.


Beside Your Car

I love to breathe you in
Your smell: intoxicating
It's the only thing
I can remember
Besides your face
Smooth, pure
But of course with a bit of hair
Nothing without its beautiful imperfections
That make perfection
The rain made it more
Than it was
Made it palpable
To my seeking hands
That searched no longer in embrace
And goodbye means nothing
Nothing lost
Because there was nothing
The best I can get to



I'm still searching for your face in the crowds. And I see it. Amid the passersby, when I'm looking from an angle, I catch a glimpse of your outline. And you're smiling. You're holding your arms open as if wanting to embrace me. To catch me with your body. But when I turn to run in your direction, you disappear, vanishing more and more as my own smile fades to nothing. My sprint slows to a stop. I stand in the middle of all these people. Lonely. Then I feel it begin. The heat builds behind my eyes, and the liquid flows rapidly to the ground. It's uncontrollable. Unstoppable. So I just let it happen. I stare at what was once there. A phantom. An irreplaceable being. And all I feel is hatred towards the one I love so much. But all I can do is walk away. And hope, if it may be, it will be.


Deep Breath In, Then Out

You are a parasite
A disturbance in my soul
Every time I remember
I want to forgot
The years
But you're following
Chasing me down
In my thoughts
My dreams
My fears
You're hunting me like a wild animal
And all you want is my skin
And my meat to eat
Because you're hungry
Thirsty to make me hurt
You're so good at your game
You've never lost a round
But soon enough
You will slip
The game will end
And the one in favor
Will be me.


Gone, Gone...Baby, It Really Is All Gone.

And I hate your lies
Your false messages
And I hate
You were all of me
And you took it away
It away
Like a monster,
a villain,
a crook.
And now it's all gone
And all the remains
Are ashes
And filthy rust.
And it's sour inside
Not the good kind
Where my soul bore yours
It is gone
Never to reappear.
My identity stolen
To one.
I gave it away
To none
And I have nothing to show for it
Nothing that holds on to it
Slowly it slips away
Into the outer bay
Where the ships don't sway



Your face,
It's nothing without its mask.
The lies you tell
Represent something that you are not.
Who you pretend to be
Is so much more than you really are.
That gentle exterior
Covers the decayed skin of your reality.
Smooth, milky decadence
Hides the dark, crusty malevolence that is truly you.
Your peaceful voice
Mingles with the cruel, mocking tones of your soul.
Because nothing is true,
Everything is fake.
And there is no way to change
When you don't even realize the corruption.


Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber

Slowly awakening from the silence
Growing with the breathe of life
Stretching my arms to the slowly fading moon
And to the newly rising dawn,
I watch as the light rises.
My room slowly illuminates
With the bright purity of the new born sun
And I feel alive.
The trees whisper
And I hear their well wishes for me
As the birds lightly stir,
Chirping in their nests.
The wind blows through the screen door
And gently touches my cheek,
Brushing my hair lightly aside,
And allowing me to see even more clearly
The morning light brightening the lush leaves
And the dew glistening blades of grass.
The hum of life surrounds me
And fills my ears with music
Of awakening.
The sun is almost risen.
Purple fades to pink fades to bright blue;
A symphony of emotions play upon my face
At the view of breaking day,
The bursting of light,
The intensity of brightness,
Blinding beauty
Too joyous to be explained.
And the silence
The absolute stillness.
The day is set and everything begins to fade to normality,
Ever pleasant blue glistens all around,
And everything is the way it should be.
Everything is right,
In its proper place.
The last sighs of the morning linger,
But it is now day.
And peace


Shhhh and white [peace]

I can finally breathe in,
I can consume as much as I like
Without consequence.
There are no chains
Only freedom
And endless sky.
The weight has been lifted
And I can
Floating on the clouds
Like a boundless dreamer
And dipping my wings
Into the pure calmness.
The limits always exceed infinity
When I am around.
No one can stop me.
Not you,
or you,
or even you.
And above all the rest I will journey
Until I find one that can spot me,
And join me in my eternal



A rewrite of Julie Sheehan's "Hate Poem"...because right now I'm beginning to hate you.

I hate you most certainly. Most certainly I do.
Every inch surrounding me hates every inch surrounding you.
The tap of my fingers hates you.
The way I fake happiness hates you.
The sound made by the ripping of my hair were each strand pulled out individually by a person who was supposed to love me hates you.
Each atom screaming in its molecule hates you.

Watch it! Beware! I hate you.

The mashed up piece of banana that I'm trying to scrape from under my second finger nail, right hand, hates you.
The meaning of this stuffed animal hates you.
My mumbling in the background as you try to tell me all about the latest video game hates you.
The progeny of my cat hates you.
My ovary hates you. Also my friends.

The blooming flower in my backyard is both a blooming flower and an obvious symbol of how I hate you.

My voice filled with fake joy: hate.
My tears that slide down my face at night: hate.
My cheery "hello": hate.

You know how when I fall asleep, I capture you in my arms so you don't escape? Hate.
The blues of my dilated corneas imbue hate. My intelligence practices it.
My pajamas resting on my skin from evening to dawn hate you.
Suspended hate, a colloid.
Days after our recent fight, burning with the fiery heat of hate,
I separate you corpuscle by corpuscle, so that I might hate each speck exclusively and at ease.
My ventricles, insidious doppelgangers, empty with the sheer efficacy of my hate, which can never have too much of you,
Ardently, like two dreamers on a wingless plane.