
The One

When I write it feels as if the world is mine and mine alone. It feels like I can do anything, be anyone, escape from reality. I know my true self through my writing. The facade that I put on every day fades away and I become who I truly am, who I truly wish I could be in person. But I'm too shy for that. I'm too embarrassed to show others what defines me and makes me me. I shouldn't be, I know that. I should loosen up, be who I really am. So easy for you guys to say, so easy for you guys to do. I fear the rejection more than anything else. I've been rejected, given up on, verbally abused too many times to not fear it. I live every day in restraint so I won't get hurt. Somehow I still manage to feel rejection though. Somehow I still feel like the world frowns upon the me that only I can see. I don't think that they understand. I don't think that anyone really understands. If there was a person who did I know I would feel it. I know I would shine like the brightest star in the sky when I was around them. But I've yet to find that person. That one who will finally open me up and show me to the world. I'll continue to search until the end for him or her. I'll continue to try my best to be true to myself in the meanwhile. I know that day will come, just wish I knew when. Whoever you are, person with the key, I hope that I can help you just as much as you'll help me. <3


i hate this make it go away

I don't know how to handle this.
I don't know.
I feel so desperate.
For your attention
For only your attention
And I'm a jealous freak
wanting you all to myself
and i hate myself for that
i don't know how to handle this.
these uncontrollable thoughts and feels.
this roller coaster.
i just want it to stop.
please god, make it stop.
because i can't handle this.
i can't.
i feel like there's no one.
but there's people all around.
i feel like i'm lonely.
i am lonely.
so alone.
i hate being alone.
left out
the outsider
why do i get like this?
why do i do this to myself
and why can't i control myself
i hate these uncontrollable thoughts
that push their ugly heads to the surface
and cast shadows of doubt
that make me feel like i'm worthless
that make me feel like shit
everything just go away
because i can't handle it
not now
please let me gain control
i want to own my life again
i want to be me again
i hate this.
i hate hate hate this.
so much
and the tears won't stop
and the pain doesn't quit
and everything so out of my reach
so far away


To 10:43pm Sadness

I am so sick of being sad.
I'm so sick of feeling lonely, left out, the outsider.
I want friends, but I don't know how to make them.
I need people, but they don't seem to need me.
And I feel like I can't fix this,
Like I'm all alone in facing my problems.
There's no one to run to,
No one who can understand
This pain.
I want people to love me.
I want to feel the world's embrace.
I want them to notice me instead of walking by without a glance.
But I don't like attracting attention,
I don't know how to converse,
And somehow that makes me less desirable,
less worthy of friendship.
So every weekday night I sit at home
And I cry myself to sleep
With the deepest desires for friendship gnawing at my mind.
This is the continual pattern that shall forever remain until
happens and I am released from the cycle.
I just wish I knew how to bring about said change.


Please Don't Go (i know you have to go)

I never knew it would be like this. Never knew that I would love you so much. And now that I do, I can't seem to let you go; not for a week, not for a day, not for an hour, not for a minute, not even for a second. Any length longer than a week is purely unfathomable. And I know it's ridiculous. I know I'm ridiculous. I apologize for that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I cling to you with the desperateness of a baby to it's mother's breast, with the need of crack-addict for his high. But that's what you are to me; you are my drug, my addiction, and I'll never be able to stop. I could never ever stop loving you. Needing you. Wanting you. I know the amount of time between your visits is frivolous compared to what some couples have to endure, but that doesn't stop me from being upset every time you have to leave. I feel like another piece of my heart is torn away every time you walk out my door, every time you make that right turn to leave my apartment complex. I can feel the ripping inside, every little tear and gash. To me, my time away from you is a dull numbness. I go through the motions and am left without meaning. Everything is black and white. But when you come again, when you finally return to my arms, everything becomes oh so perfect. The world becomes blindingly colorful and every single action carries with a multitudinous amount of words. And so I yearn for the day we can finally be together every single day. When I can come home to you every single night. When I can feel you in my every sleeping moment and see you when I wake. What bliss that day will be. But for now, all I have are my dreams.