
The One

When I write it feels as if the world is mine and mine alone. It feels like I can do anything, be anyone, escape from reality. I know my true self through my writing. The facade that I put on every day fades away and I become who I truly am, who I truly wish I could be in person. But I'm too shy for that. I'm too embarrassed to show others what defines me and makes me me. I shouldn't be, I know that. I should loosen up, be who I really am. So easy for you guys to say, so easy for you guys to do. I fear the rejection more than anything else. I've been rejected, given up on, verbally abused too many times to not fear it. I live every day in restraint so I won't get hurt. Somehow I still manage to feel rejection though. Somehow I still feel like the world frowns upon the me that only I can see. I don't think that they understand. I don't think that anyone really understands. If there was a person who did I know I would feel it. I know I would shine like the brightest star in the sky when I was around them. But I've yet to find that person. That one who will finally open me up and show me to the world. I'll continue to search until the end for him or her. I'll continue to try my best to be true to myself in the meanwhile. I know that day will come, just wish I knew when. Whoever you are, person with the key, I hope that I can help you just as much as you'll help me. <3