
Please Don't Go (i know you have to go)

I never knew it would be like this. Never knew that I would love you so much. And now that I do, I can't seem to let you go; not for a week, not for a day, not for an hour, not for a minute, not even for a second. Any length longer than a week is purely unfathomable. And I know it's ridiculous. I know I'm ridiculous. I apologize for that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I cling to you with the desperateness of a baby to it's mother's breast, with the need of crack-addict for his high. But that's what you are to me; you are my drug, my addiction, and I'll never be able to stop. I could never ever stop loving you. Needing you. Wanting you. I know the amount of time between your visits is frivolous compared to what some couples have to endure, but that doesn't stop me from being upset every time you have to leave. I feel like another piece of my heart is torn away every time you walk out my door, every time you make that right turn to leave my apartment complex. I can feel the ripping inside, every little tear and gash. To me, my time away from you is a dull numbness. I go through the motions and am left without meaning. Everything is black and white. But when you come again, when you finally return to my arms, everything becomes oh so perfect. The world becomes blindingly colorful and every single action carries with a multitudinous amount of words. And so I yearn for the day we can finally be together every single day. When I can come home to you every single night. When I can feel you in my every sleeping moment and see you when I wake. What bliss that day will be. But for now, all I have are my dreams.